Monday, May 20, 2013

My Perfect Rainy Day

Typically, a rainy day is spent indoors and complaining about the rain. In my mind, why bother worrying about something you can't control?!

This is my ideally spent rainy day:

Wake up around 10, look out the window, and spend another hour in bed listening to rainy day albums (Birdy's self-titled album Birdy, The Lumineers self-titled album The Lumineers, or John Mayer's Battle Studies).

Get up an hour later and make something comforting for breakfast like banana pancakes, bacon and hash browns with ketchup.

Spend another hour or two in pajamas with a cup of tea and an "it's on the list" book.

Take a break, put on some water loving shoes and run outside to dance in the rain. Lay in the grass and just watch the raindrops fall. Then run inside, take off everything and get into a steaming hot bath with more tea and a different book.

After an hour at the least, lethargically get out and put on the comfiest outfit. This would typically consist of sweatpants, no underwear, a perfectly worn in tee shirt and a blanket scarf.

This is when you curl up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a good movie (preferably a feel-good movie, like August Rush, Juno, One Day, or anything directed by John Hughes).

The only other thing left to do now, besides eating a mish-mash of freezer finds (including but not limited to shepard's pie, ice cream, peas, spring rolls, Christmas cookies, and an assortment of appetizers), is playing board games.

Break out the deck of cards, Monopoly, Scrabble, Operation and Trouble and go at it until you start yawning.

The yawn is a clear sign you spent the day perfectly.

Keep this in mind on a rainy day:
In life, there is no such thing as a rainbow without any rain.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Summer 2013 Goals

The last few weeks of school are the hardest. The weather is so nice and it's wasted indoors, you're dreading exams, and you can think of a billion things you'd rather be doing. I promise, the harder you work now, the better your summer will be! But with that in mind, here's a challenge for you!

Make a list of 20 things you want to do this summer. Once they are written down, they are goals! Then all you have to do is do them!

My Summer 2013 Goals
  • Invest a chunck of money
  • Bleach something denim
  • Exercise every day
  • Take a weekly piano lesson
  • Bike every Sunday morning
  • Get my uni applications organized
  • Log 30 volunteer hours
  •  Run a 5k race
  • Do yoga once a week
  • Get my license 
  • Go vegan for a week
  • Organize a picnic in the park
  • Host a pool party
  • Have a garage sale 
  • Write 5 monologues
  • Watch every movie on my "to watch" list
  • Tie dye a tshirt
  • Develop a budgeting system
  • Write a book of recipes
  • Get my splits
Now go for it!

Let Me Introduce Myself (Again)

Hey guys,

It's me again. I took a break for a while, kind of just removed myself from the internet for a much needed break. But I'm back and I feel refreshed and revamped. So, please allow me to reintroduce myself.

Hi, I'm Julia. I am by no means an expert on any topic, but I do however have a lot knowledge that I can impart. I am a performer, a thrift-shopper, a fitness lover and a dreamer. Read my blog. Take what you need and leave the rest.

Think on this:
"Everything that exists now was once imagined"

What do you imagine?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Ask Him Yourself

What baffles me is that people will sit there and complain about how there are no people in their lives to date, yet they just sit around waiting for people to come to them.

This week, I challenge you to talk to that guy you'd love to go for coffee with and ask him!

Just see what happens. What's the worst possible outcome? He says no and you move on. Go for it! You'll feel empowered!