Sunday, July 14, 2013

Drink This, Not That: London Fog

London fogs are my favorite coffee shop specialty drink. It's basically an earl grey tea latte with vanilla flavoring. If you like earl gray, you'll love it. But in coffee shops, they use sugar-filled syrup, 2% milk, and have standardized sizes. I made this recipe to challenge those limitations

-Earl Gray Teabag
-Skim Milk
-Half and Half
-Agave Nectar
-Vanilla Extract

If available, you should use a frother to make the foam

1. Steep the tea in a mug about 1/4 to 1/3 full (as pictured below).

2. Next,  heat up enough milk to fill the mug.
3. While that is in,  pour a splash of half and half into the frother and add some agave nectar.
I like to do this to make the milk a little creamier and the foam becomes sweetened.

4. Pour a splash of vanilla into the tea

5. Pour the warm milk into the frother and froth it until foamey. If no frother is available, just the milk will do!

 My beautiful foam!

6. Finally, pour the milk into the mug of tea and top with foam.

Here's the final product!

Also, this always comes to mind whenever the words london fog are spoken


Friday, July 5, 2013

Snacking Success at the Movies

Popcorn popping, people shuffling, tickets ripping, heros fighting, lovers loving... The movies can be a lot to take in. And it's easy to get sucked in to the pressures of ordering the "extra large combo".

Here's how to stand your ground and make the right choices.

Eat a meal before of right or after the movie. This way, you'll either be full or you'll know you need to save room.

Keep your diet in your mind, but on the back burner. You don't go to the movies everyday, so allow yourself to enjoy this.

Having said that, know what foods effect your body and ask yourself if you are okay with that. For example, I breakout and retain water when I eat fries, so I'll skip the fries. I always eat too much when I get frozen yogurt and feel bad after, so I'll skip that too.

Get what you want and know its okay. A healthy diet is about give and take. It should be 80% clean eating and 20% (knowingly so and being okay with it) cheating. I love movie theatre popcorn. And I know I'll eat a whole bag by myself. So then I get a diet coke, skip the sugar of a regular one, and stay away from salty foods the next day.

If all else fails, bring stuff from home in your bag! Grapes, almond, carrots or whatever else you like.

Enjoy your movie!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Question To Ponder

GOOD QUOTES. | via Facebook

A few things I would do...
  • bake a lemon meringue pie
  • buy a lottery ticket
  • ask a cute boy to dance with me
  • move wherever I wanted to
  • audition for a Broadway show
  • do a back flip, then a front flip
  • drive a motorcycle