Monday, December 23, 2013

Life Update

So, I disappeared again. That's something I do quite often. 

I thought you might want to know how my life is going.

Well, I just closed my last high school musical. We did Legally Blonde. We were quite successful and I'm very proud of myself and of my cast. It was a very bittersweet moment for me.

Because of the musical, my fitness took a bit of a backseat. The holiday break  just started and I'm setting new goals and getting back on a plan (post to come).

I've been seeing a boy for a little over a month. His name is Erik. He is wonderful and I like him a lot (I'll make a post about that too). What's nicest about him is that he is also fitness oriented and he is my gym buddy. 

Senior year hasn't broken me yet, but it definitely has challenged me. I've had my fair share of tears and breakdowns, but I'm on top of everything. I'm really looking forward to grad. 

Overall I'd say I'm doing pretty well!

I'll be posting again soon!


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