Saturday, March 30, 2013

Staying On Track While On The Road

Road trips, family vacations, weekend tournaments.. They all take you out of your routine which makes it hard to keep momentum.

Here are a few tips to help you stay on track while away from home:

Ask a million questions at restaurants to find healthy option
-ask for egg whites
-find out if shrimp can come without breading
-ask if you can get all veggies instead of fried rice with your stir fry
-get your dressing on the side

Drink water with every meal
-being in a strange environment will dehydrate you faster, so do this to get ahead

Make substitutions when possible
-get the burger without a bun
-ask for veggies and dip
-ask for a side salad instead of fries

Keep photos and reminders handy
-make your phone and iPod backgrounds pictures of the body you're working for or an inspirational saying
-try to room with someone who shares your desire to stay on track

Bring workout gear
-almost every hotel has a gym you can use
-there are great at home workouts you can do in your hotel room
-go for a walk outside and see the city

Take the stairs instead of the elevator
-the more steps you take, the most calories you burn

Don't skip breakfast
-you're already out of your routine, so your blood sugar will drop sooner

Keep small healthy snacks around
-bring protein bars with you for the times you can't stop for food
-buy fruit from the grocery store thee for in the room
-grab an extra snack at the hotel breakfast bar for later

The more you plan ahead, the better equipped you'll be!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Drink This, Not That: Homemade Iced Tea

Bottled iced teas like Arizona, Brisk, and Nestea are full of sugar and preservatives and don't give any real nutritional benefit.

My remedy? Homemade iced tea!

1. Pick your favorite fruity tea - blueberry is my fave!
2. Steep the desired quantity is a glass container (boiled water will burn through plastic)
3. Leave to steep and cool
4. When ready, pour desired amount, add ice cubes and sweeten as desired (I like to use Splenda, rather than sugar).
5. Enjoy!

Challenge Of The Week: Cut The Crap

We all know how bad junk food is for us. But we also all know how good it tastes.. With that in mind I have a new challenge for you: cut the crap!

This challenge consists of one thing. All you have to do is cut out junk food. This is both the hardest and the easiest thing to do regarding food. It simply comes down to choices.

Here are some steps toward eliminating junk food from your diet:

• use Splenda or sugar substitute
• say no to small candies when someone offers them casually
• read the nutrition facts on the wrappers of your food
• cook your meals at home and plan ahead
• everything in moderation
• challenge yourself to buy only fresh groceries
•drink diet pop instead of regular
•drink water with every meal

The more you say "no" to the junk, the easier it will get. So keep saying no until you no longer actually want it!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Me and My Style

I was thinking today and said to myself, "why would you read a blog from a person who's wardrobe you know nothing about?!"

Here are some visual aids to help show you what I like:

Denim jackets with hoodies underneath             High-waisted bathing suit bottoms and strapless tops


Thrift store bought men's plaid shirts                                   Hippie maxi skirts


Band tees and pop culture graphic tees



Classic Converse

Combat boots with wool socks

I tried explaining my clothing and style to my mother today...

She responded with,
"Oh, so it's like a hobo on a train at midnight in the 70's?!"

Thanks, mom..

DIY: Scrabble Tile Magnets

I've had this DIY project in the back of my mind for SO long! Since my father is a devoted scrabble lover, he would not let me use our tiles...and a brand new game is expensive! So I had to wait until I found one at a thrift store! Only cost me $3! Here's how to make Scrabble Tile Magnets!

You Will Need:
  • an old scrabble game
  • self adhesive magnets or magnet tape
  • possibly scissors (if tape is used)

1. Cut the magnet to fit on the back of the tile and place on tile       
2. Repeat step one with every tile      
3.Spell all over your kitchen!      

Total cost: under $5

Get creative!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Adventures in Julia-land: The Fight To See The Floor

You know how crazy life can get, right? So you don't blame me for letting my room go for a bit, right? And you appreciate the concept of organized clutter, right? 

GOOD! Then we're on the same page!

I, now with ample free time, am going to attempt to clean my bedroom. Don't worry, I'll wear protective eye wear just in case..

But in all seriousness, here is what it looks like now:

My Cleaning To-Do List:
  • dust the surfaces and floor
  • reorganize closet and drawers
  • file loose papers
  • sort through jewelry
  • find a new home for my laptop, Estelle (other than the floor)
  • put away random articles of clothing
  • breakout my summer wear and file away my winter hats and mittens
Wish me luck... If you don't hear from me by the end of the week, you'll know I got swallowed by the dust bunnies!

Spring Break Challenge

I have been waiting for this week since the new semester started... Spring break is finally here! 
A whole week off... that is one of the most liberating things that a girl like me could be handed right now...but also one of the scariest! 
They say "an idle mind in the devil's playground", and I firmly agree! So, I have a challenge...

Make a "Spring Break To-Do List"!

All you have to do is make a list of ten things you want to accomplish this week. So get out a piece of paper and a pen and start writing. Don't think too hard, just make them fun and attainable! Stuck? Here's mine!

Here are some more ideas:
  • buy a new cd and listen to it front to back
  • volunteer at a local animal shelter or senior's home
  • take a yoga class
  • learn how to do a new hair style
  • make someone breakfast
  • take an old friend for coffee
  • call a distant relative
  • rediscover your favorite childhood movie
Good luck, friends! Happy week off !

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hair Repair Home Remedy

Does your hair feel dry and brittle or damaged? This at home hair mask will fix that in just 15 minutes!

It sounds weird, I know, but TRUST ME! It works!

1 ripe avocado
2 eggs
4 tbsp water
2 tbsp olive oil

Put all ingredients together in a a bowl and take it to the bathroom. Get ready to go in the shower. Mix all ingredients together with hands until avocado is mashed. Apply hair and leave on for ten minutes. Rinse in shower. Shampoo and condition.