Monday, March 25, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Cut The Crap

We all know how bad junk food is for us. But we also all know how good it tastes.. With that in mind I have a new challenge for you: cut the crap!

This challenge consists of one thing. All you have to do is cut out junk food. This is both the hardest and the easiest thing to do regarding food. It simply comes down to choices.

Here are some steps toward eliminating junk food from your diet:

• use Splenda or sugar substitute
• say no to small candies when someone offers them casually
• read the nutrition facts on the wrappers of your food
• cook your meals at home and plan ahead
• everything in moderation
• challenge yourself to buy only fresh groceries
•drink diet pop instead of regular
•drink water with every meal

The more you say "no" to the junk, the easier it will get. So keep saying no until you no longer actually want it!

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