Sunday, April 28, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Organize Your Life

Homework, chores, extra-curriculars, hanging out with friends and just overall busyness are My lifeall acceptable reasons to let your organization slip. But there comes a time to re-organize yourself. So..

This week, I challenge you to re-organize your life!

My life has been sooooo busy recently and I just feel so out of control on so many things. Here is a list of things to do to gain that control and re-organize yourself!
  • clean out your purse
  • declutter your locker
  • throw out those old recipets in your wallet
  • clean out your fridge
  • make a new shopping list
  • plan your meals for the week
  • do and put away your laundry
  • clean your bathroom
Happy re-organization!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Understanding Your Beauty: Part Two

As a society, we tend to recognize our personal "flaws" and "imperfections", but see them as negatives...

In my opinion, the only way you can truly understand your beauty is to embrace your flaws and rock them!

These are my imperfections:
  • Wide hips
  • Small bust
  • Large, developed glutes and quads (butt and legs)
  • Round cheeks
  • Uneven nose
But the thing is, I don't see these imperfections as a bad thing.

My hips are beautiful and although it's hard to find jeans that fit properly, I can rock high-waisted clothes like no one's business.

My small bust line doesn't bother me because as a dancer/stage actor it makes jumping and running easier!

My legs are large because I need them to be. They are the source of a lot of power and make the foundation in a lot of gorgeous lifts when I'm dancing. My legs are so strong that I can go a full 24 hours in heels and not feel a thing.

My round cheeks are something that make me approachable. Even though I'd love to have beautiful cheek bones like the girls in the magazines, my cheeks are inviting and warm.

My nose is probably the one thing that I will stare at in pictures of myself because it is uneven. 

But then I look at pictures of Sutton Foster, one of my musical theatre idols and see that her nose is crooked too
Yet, I still think she's amazing.

It really comes down to this: 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so behold yourself.

And after all, 

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." 
- Marilyn Monroe 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Go "Naked"

It is so easy to get stuck in the routine.. wake up, brush teeth, get dressed, do hair, put on makeup, and go... If we skip a step, we feel like we're missing something, but what we really tend to forget is the reason we're doing it all in the first place.

I'm going to encourage you to do some thinking.

Why do you wear makeup? 

Is it to impress someone? Is it because you don't like the way you look? 
Do you feel as if you have to wear it to maintain some kind of status?

Whatever your reason, this week I challenge you to go "naked" and
wear no makeup to school one day this week.

I know, it's a scary thought... But believe me, you can do it.

If that is too difficult, try wearing just foundation and mascara. I promise, it won't kill you to skip the lipstick and eyeliner for one day. Try this just to prove to yourself that you can do it. You'll feel great afterward, knowing that you did.

Friday, April 19, 2013

My Adventure Fund

Are you a dreamer? Cause I sure am. If you sat me down with a piece of paper and said write down all the things you want to do in your lifetime, my paper would be COVERED! But unfortunately in this world, awesome sometimes equals expen$ive!!

That's why I have started my own personal ADVENTURE FUND!!

An adventure fund is some form of container that holds saved pennies, loose change, tips from work, babysitting cash and any other random funds found. Money placed in here should be saved and put toward doing something radical, exciting or adventurous. It is only effective if you commit to it.

How to start one:
All you need is a jar, or a box, or a container of any kind! Then you simply, start collecting money until you decide to spend it on an awesome experience or an object/tool that will help you have awesome experiences.

Things to save up for:

  • Coachella or a music festival
  • Concert or play tickets
  • Plane tickets
  • Gas for a road trip
  • Art supplies
  • A new guitar
  • Recording studio time
  • NHL tickets

I've got close to $200 saved up for my adventure so far. Happy saving!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Birthday Hopes

Tonight is the eve of my birthday and I'm pondering a lot of things. I have so many things on the go right now and things that I would like to achieve.

My Re-Vamped Goals for a New Year:

  1. Cook more
  2. Reach out to the people that truly matter
  3. Feed my soul with creativity
  4. Read for fun before bed
  5. Put down the digi toys (phone, ipod, tv, etc) at 10:30
  6. Meditate at least once a week to refocus
  7. Wear makeup once a week

My hope for my day tomorrow is that I keep a positive outlook, as it will more than likely be a stressful day for me. I need to stay patient and accept that I am the only thing I have full control of.

Here's to a new year! 

Understanding Your Beauty: Part One

We all could use a shift in perspective.... Use this video and reflect on yourself.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Get Ahead

You know that due date that’s just around the corner?
 It’ll sneak up on you, like it always does. 

You know the feeling of panic you get when you procrastinate and end up doing it the night before?

You'll feel it.     

This week, I challenge you to get ahead on an assignment.

For this challenge, all you have to do is complete an assignment a few days before its actually due. That means starting it early, getting yourself organized, and putting the time in.

Benefits of Getting Ahead:
  • you will feel less stressed
  • your work will be better
  • you will have time to ask your teacher questions
  • you will have a fully developed thought process
  • you will in turn have more time later for other things

I realize that this is easier said than done, but that is why it is a challenge! I have an assignment due on the 24th that I am going to challenge myself to finish by the 20th. So if I can do it, you can too!

Curb The Pizza Craving

Gooey cheese, fresh toppings, warm sauce, crisp crust... Sounds good, right? Now think of all that grease... Clogging your pores (and arteries!), putting you up a jean size.. Is it worth it? Not really. That's why I came up with this healthy pizza recipe!

What you will need:
•English muffins (extra crispy ones make crispy crust, but whole wheat are better for you)
•pasta sauce
•your favorite (low fat if desired) shredded cheese
•whatever topping you'd like

Preheat the oven to 350*F.
Separate English muffin into two halves.
Cover with pasta sauce as you would a pizza crust and cover with cheese.
Add desired toppings.
Place on a cookie sheet and bake for approximately 12 minutes or until cheese is melted and slightly golden.

Enjoy, guilt free!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Little Dose of Positivity

After having a really crappy day, I came across this remarkable little girl and just had to share it with you. We could all use a little more positivity in our lives, don't you think?

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Talk To Strangers

As kids, our parents always told us to not talk to strangers. Now, although this is a good rule to follow for safety as a child, it has crippled our ability to meet new people in our formative years.

This week, I challenge you to talk to strangers.

I don't mean walk up to a random person on the street and ask them their grandmother's name.. I mean make small talk with the people around you, because you never know what can come of it.

Start small. Smile at someone you kind of know at school when you pass them in the hall. Say good morning to the neighbor who's name you can never remember on your walk home.

When you're comfortable with that, ask the girl beside you in the gym locker room about the logo on her shirt, or ask your barista what they would recommend.

What inspired me to make this challenge was an old Japanese lady I met a few days ago on my way to the gym. We were both walking down a sidewalk full of puddles. She didn't speak very good English and she was trying not to get her runners wet. I offered to go first and test the waters for her, as my shoes were sacrificial for the walk. Now, whenever I see her at the gym or around the neighborhood, she says hello and smiles at me and it's awesome!

Doing these things will help you feel more comfortable in social situations and make awkward moments awesome, just like with my little old lady

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Drink This, Not That: Hot Chocolate Wannabe

I love hot chocolate just as much as the next girl, but for me, chocolate of any kind is a slippery slope!
I discovered a new recipe - I would even go as far as calling it a remedy - for a hot chocolate substitute!

-1 cup unsweetened almond milk (natural or chocolate flavor - I prefer just the plain almond milk)
-Cinnamon to taste
-Splenda for sweetening (I used one)

-Heat almond milk in a microwave safe container for 1 minute 30 seconds
-Pour into cup
-Add Splenda and cinnamon to taste

This has become part of my bed time routine. Now, when I want to start settling down, I'll have a cup of hot almond milk! Try it!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Can't Sleep? Do This!

I don't know about you, but counting sheep has never worked for me... Especially not when my thoughts keep me up at night.

Here are a few things you can do instead of toss and turn both mentally and physically:

• make a list of thoughts on your mind
• read a book on your shelf that you've always wanted to
• plan your outfit for the next day
• make a list of everything you want to accomplish the next day
• hold a plank for 2 minutes
• listen to instrumental music
• do 30 push-ups
• listen to rain sounds on songza

These will all either bore, exhaust or distract you and help you fall asleep peacefully. Happy zzz catching!