Saturday, April 6, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Talk To Strangers

As kids, our parents always told us to not talk to strangers. Now, although this is a good rule to follow for safety as a child, it has crippled our ability to meet new people in our formative years.

This week, I challenge you to talk to strangers.

I don't mean walk up to a random person on the street and ask them their grandmother's name.. I mean make small talk with the people around you, because you never know what can come of it.

Start small. Smile at someone you kind of know at school when you pass them in the hall. Say good morning to the neighbor who's name you can never remember on your walk home.

When you're comfortable with that, ask the girl beside you in the gym locker room about the logo on her shirt, or ask your barista what they would recommend.

What inspired me to make this challenge was an old Japanese lady I met a few days ago on my way to the gym. We were both walking down a sidewalk full of puddles. She didn't speak very good English and she was trying not to get her runners wet. I offered to go first and test the waters for her, as my shoes were sacrificial for the walk. Now, whenever I see her at the gym or around the neighborhood, she says hello and smiles at me and it's awesome!

Doing these things will help you feel more comfortable in social situations and make awkward moments awesome, just like with my little old lady

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