Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Birthday Hopes

Tonight is the eve of my birthday and I'm pondering a lot of things. I have so many things on the go right now and things that I would like to achieve.

My Re-Vamped Goals for a New Year:

  1. Cook more
  2. Reach out to the people that truly matter
  3. Feed my soul with creativity
  4. Read for fun before bed
  5. Put down the digi toys (phone, ipod, tv, etc) at 10:30
  6. Meditate at least once a week to refocus
  7. Wear makeup once a week

My hope for my day tomorrow is that I keep a positive outlook, as it will more than likely be a stressful day for me. I need to stay patient and accept that I am the only thing I have full control of.

Here's to a new year! 

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