Monday, December 23, 2013

Life Update

So, I disappeared again. That's something I do quite often. 

I thought you might want to know how my life is going.

Well, I just closed my last high school musical. We did Legally Blonde. We were quite successful and I'm very proud of myself and of my cast. It was a very bittersweet moment for me.

Because of the musical, my fitness took a bit of a backseat. The holiday break  just started and I'm setting new goals and getting back on a plan (post to come).

I've been seeing a boy for a little over a month. His name is Erik. He is wonderful and I like him a lot (I'll make a post about that too). What's nicest about him is that he is also fitness oriented and he is my gym buddy. 

Senior year hasn't broken me yet, but it definitely has challenged me. I've had my fair share of tears and breakdowns, but I'm on top of everything. I'm really looking forward to grad. 

Overall I'd say I'm doing pretty well!

I'll be posting again soon!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Hey, remember me?

I know what you're thinking, where have I been?

I needed some time to disappear and figure out where my head was. (I do that from time to time).

But I am back, feel like my head is on my shoulders, and I'm ready to start posting again.

You'll be seeing more of me soon.

Until then...


Friday, August 2, 2013

Welcoming August With Good Intentions

There's only one month of summer left (What?) and I want to make the most of it. That's why I've set myself some goals in every aspect of my life.


I'm embarking on a month of frugal living. Although I don't have a lot of expenses, I do spend my money.

1. Jars
  • I have one jar that money cannot be taken from
  • Another jar I am using to save for my next manicure (explained later)
  • My small change from tip money goes into a jar that will be used August 13th when I go on a date with some girlfriends (We planned it a few nights ago and that was the first day that worked for all three of us!)
2.  Clothing fast
  • I am not buying any new clothes this month because I don't NEED them. The only exception will be some dance wear I need for school this year.

I have found myself in a bit of a slump regarding my fitness. I'm basically just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, so I'm gonna take action.

1. Cardio Calendar
  • I printed out a calendar from word and assigned specific methods of cardio to each day. 
  • Sunday = bike
  • Monday = run
  • Tuesday = rollerblade
  • Wednesday = bike
  • Thursday = run
  • Friday = rollerblade
  • Saturday = run
2. Ice Cream Fast
  • This is going to be one of the hardest things I do this month. I work at an ice cream parlor and there is a lot of temptation to eat it while at work.
  • I am not going to eat a single morsel of ice cream for the entire month of August. 


I took July to sort things out and just think. August is going to be the real hard work mentally.

1. Motivation
  • I've posted pictures on my walls to motivate me and I have some ready for my locker. Staying motivated is the key to success.
2. Reading
  • I have a stack of books that seem to be haunting me by sitting on my dresser. I want to read them, but I just haven't been able to start. 
  • I have set dated goals to have each one finished by and will read every night before I go to bed.
3. Forgiveness
  • One of the things that has been challenging me mentally is not being at peace internally and with other people.
  • I plan to spend this month to reflect on past grievances and take steps to move forward


I've recently gotten out of a situation where I stopped caring about myself. Now, to make up for that lost time and affection I am going to do things for myself.

1. Treating Myself
  • To make sure I feel pretty, I get a manicure every 2 weeks. The place I go is not expensive, and I have grown to be a great customer for them and they don't charge me for touch ups and quick fixes or small designs.
2. Lipstick
  • When I wear lipstick, I feel like I have super powers.
  • I am setting a goal to wear lipstick at least once a week.


Senior year is going to be a big one for me. I have a lot of commitments and obligations.

1. Get Ahead
  • There is a great deal of reading, research, and memorization that I can do now to get ahead for this school year.
2. Plan For Success
  • My locker becomes like a second home for me. If I want to be successful this year, I have to have a space that will help me do so.
  • My locker will be stocked with healthy snacks, emergency supplies, and all my school stuff.
3. Routine
  • During the school year, my routine becomes second nature. During the summer I lack that kind drive.
  • To get back in the swing of things, my alarm is set for 8:30 every weekday and 10:00 every weekend.
  • I also have a hygiene routine for when I wake up and before I go to sleep

Alright August, here we go!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Drink This, Not That: London Fog

London fogs are my favorite coffee shop specialty drink. It's basically an earl grey tea latte with vanilla flavoring. If you like earl gray, you'll love it. But in coffee shops, they use sugar-filled syrup, 2% milk, and have standardized sizes. I made this recipe to challenge those limitations

-Earl Gray Teabag
-Skim Milk
-Half and Half
-Agave Nectar
-Vanilla Extract

If available, you should use a frother to make the foam

1. Steep the tea in a mug about 1/4 to 1/3 full (as pictured below).

2. Next,  heat up enough milk to fill the mug.
3. While that is in,  pour a splash of half and half into the frother and add some agave nectar.
I like to do this to make the milk a little creamier and the foam becomes sweetened.

4. Pour a splash of vanilla into the tea

5. Pour the warm milk into the frother and froth it until foamey. If no frother is available, just the milk will do!

 My beautiful foam!

6. Finally, pour the milk into the mug of tea and top with foam.

Here's the final product!

Also, this always comes to mind whenever the words london fog are spoken


Friday, July 5, 2013

Snacking Success at the Movies

Popcorn popping, people shuffling, tickets ripping, heros fighting, lovers loving... The movies can be a lot to take in. And it's easy to get sucked in to the pressures of ordering the "extra large combo".

Here's how to stand your ground and make the right choices.

Eat a meal before of right or after the movie. This way, you'll either be full or you'll know you need to save room.

Keep your diet in your mind, but on the back burner. You don't go to the movies everyday, so allow yourself to enjoy this.

Having said that, know what foods effect your body and ask yourself if you are okay with that. For example, I breakout and retain water when I eat fries, so I'll skip the fries. I always eat too much when I get frozen yogurt and feel bad after, so I'll skip that too.

Get what you want and know its okay. A healthy diet is about give and take. It should be 80% clean eating and 20% (knowingly so and being okay with it) cheating. I love movie theatre popcorn. And I know I'll eat a whole bag by myself. So then I get a diet coke, skip the sugar of a regular one, and stay away from salty foods the next day.

If all else fails, bring stuff from home in your bag! Grapes, almond, carrots or whatever else you like.

Enjoy your movie!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Question To Ponder

GOOD QUOTES. | via Facebook

A few things I would do...
  • bake a lemon meringue pie
  • buy a lottery ticket
  • ask a cute boy to dance with me
  • move wherever I wanted to
  • audition for a Broadway show
  • do a back flip, then a front flip
  • drive a motorcycle

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy Summer!

Hello lovelies,

It has been a while since I've written because the end of school always brings a whirlwind of busy. Everyone is shifting into summer mode and life gets a little hectic for a while. I think I am fully adjusted now and I'm ready to come back and write all summer.

Happy summer! I don't know about you, but I've been looking forward to this all semester. I've made so many plans and I can't wait to get them done! I promise, you'll be seeing more of me.

What are your big plans for the summer?


Challenge Of The Week: Beat The Summer Slump

As soon as summer mode gets switched on, we all have a tendency to just sit around and chill. You know what I mean... Stay up late, watch t.v., sleep in, eat whenever we're bored...

This week, I challenge you to beat the summer slump

Here's how:
  • get to the gym or go for a run
  • make plans with three different people for the week
  • if you have a job, pick up one extra shift
  • set your alarm
  • turn off your phone at 10 and try to go to sleep early
  • make a to-do list every day and do it all
  • find free events in your city (like yoga in the park or free concerts)
  • reorganize your room
  • make your bed
  • plan your meals the day before
  • read a book you've always wanted to read
I'm in the process of reorganizing my room and it feels great! I don't want to waste these glorious two months off! Good luck!


Monday, June 17, 2013

On A Whim..

This week in school I had the coolest substitute teacher, Barb. I've had her a few times before and have kind of gotten to know her. I find her completely fascinating. She speaks to everyone by name during attendance, smiles genuinely, and has spiky hair. On a whim, I asked her if she wouldn't mind me profiling her. She was shocked, but honored. So, I asked her a few questions and these were her answers.

Q: When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: In grade eight, I wanted to be an astronomer.

Q: What are ten things you want to do before you die?
  1. Create a "classics" book library in my house
  2. Learn to swim
  3. Read the Chronicles of Narnia
  4. Go to "The Price is Right" tv show set
  5. Read the entire Bible
  6. Join a bowling league
  7. Tell my Dad I forgive him
  8. Go to Costa Rica
  9. Get a dog
  10. Go to Disney World
Q: If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be? Why?
A: My husband so I could see into his mind and understand what he is thinking since we are opposite brain types. When my mom was sick I would have given anything to take away her pain for a day (she is well now). I would like to be my child for a day to be a better parent.

Q: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Why?
A: Multicolored. I don't feel like one color could describe me. I am very diverse. I like to do so many things, I love all people and I don't feel like I have to hide my emotional state from anyone.

Q: If you could give yourself at 17 one piece of advice, what would you say?
A: Don't sweat the small stuff. High school really doesn't matter. Hang on to the friends that are real. Be in a positive atmosphere, negativity brings you down automatically. Follow your dreams instead of staying for "love" which usually changes after you didn't follow them. Love the quirks about people instead of trying to "one up" yourself by making fun of them.

What do I take from this?
  1. People are more than just what meets the eye
  2. People rock
  3. Always follow your gut feeling
  4. You can learn something from everyone on the planet, but only if you ask
  5. Only hold on to the good stuff in life
  6. You never need a reason to be kind
This lady is a rockstar in my eyes. Who have you met recently that has inspired you?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Challenge of the Week: Seal Money Aside

I know that if I have money laying around it will be easier to spend it, so with that in mind, I challenge you to seal money aside.

I don't mean put it in the bank, I mean literally seal it. For example, I know I want to pierce my ear when I turn eighteen, so I'm going to put the money I'll need for that in an envelope, seal it and put it somewhere I will remember.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My New Motto

Recently I have been testing the waters and meeting some new fish (Get it?!), and I have become conscious of the fact that I am being completely selfish when it comes to what I want. At first I thought I was being harsh and wasn't giving people a fair chance, but then I realized...

I'm allowed to be selfish when it comes to my heart, my life, and my well-being!

So, with that in mind, I have a new motto!

"Always keep your head, heels,
and standards high"

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

20 Things You Don't Know About Me

Here are twenty facts I'll bet you didn't know about me..
  1. I have severe middle child syndrome
  2. I love to walk in the rain
  3. The smell of bonfire is my favorite perfume
  4. I love birthdays, especially my own
  5. I take fortune cookie fortunes very seriously and do believe in fate
  6. The first drop of sweat during a workout is usually my day's proudest moment
  7. Grocery shopping is one of my favorite tasks to complete
  8. I'm a night owl
  9. I could watch Gilmore Girls over and over and never get sick of it
  10. I eat my apples to the core
  11. I love Ke$ha
  12. Red lipstick is my superpower
  13. I am fascinated with superheroes
  14. I love dental hygiene
  15. There is no such thing as too much glitter in my world
  16.  I feel like I am invincible in pink workout gear
  17. I have an obsession with 80s and 90s rock music
  18. I love me a good sneeze
  19. I always drink my slurpees with pink and green straws
  20. I believe in the power of napping

What is your dream?

A friend of mine recently told me how much she wants to move away to go to school. To her, it seems unrealistic and far away. Sometimes we get caught up in the reality of our current situations and forget that we have the power to change them.

That makes me wonder, what is your dream?

Make a list of ten dreams you have for yourself in your lifetime. Write them down and they will become goals. 

Here are mine:
1. Write a book
2. Write and produce a play
3. Be in a movie
4. Go away for post-secondary education
5. Run 5k with ease
6. Visit all 50 states
7. Step foot on every continent
8. Open a dance studio with my sister
9. Grow a vegetable garden
10. Learn Italian

Monday, May 20, 2013

My Perfect Rainy Day

Typically, a rainy day is spent indoors and complaining about the rain. In my mind, why bother worrying about something you can't control?!

This is my ideally spent rainy day:

Wake up around 10, look out the window, and spend another hour in bed listening to rainy day albums (Birdy's self-titled album Birdy, The Lumineers self-titled album The Lumineers, or John Mayer's Battle Studies).

Get up an hour later and make something comforting for breakfast like banana pancakes, bacon and hash browns with ketchup.

Spend another hour or two in pajamas with a cup of tea and an "it's on the list" book.

Take a break, put on some water loving shoes and run outside to dance in the rain. Lay in the grass and just watch the raindrops fall. Then run inside, take off everything and get into a steaming hot bath with more tea and a different book.

After an hour at the least, lethargically get out and put on the comfiest outfit. This would typically consist of sweatpants, no underwear, a perfectly worn in tee shirt and a blanket scarf.

This is when you curl up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a good movie (preferably a feel-good movie, like August Rush, Juno, One Day, or anything directed by John Hughes).

The only other thing left to do now, besides eating a mish-mash of freezer finds (including but not limited to shepard's pie, ice cream, peas, spring rolls, Christmas cookies, and an assortment of appetizers), is playing board games.

Break out the deck of cards, Monopoly, Scrabble, Operation and Trouble and go at it until you start yawning.

The yawn is a clear sign you spent the day perfectly.

Keep this in mind on a rainy day:
In life, there is no such thing as a rainbow without any rain.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Summer 2013 Goals

The last few weeks of school are the hardest. The weather is so nice and it's wasted indoors, you're dreading exams, and you can think of a billion things you'd rather be doing. I promise, the harder you work now, the better your summer will be! But with that in mind, here's a challenge for you!

Make a list of 20 things you want to do this summer. Once they are written down, they are goals! Then all you have to do is do them!

My Summer 2013 Goals
  • Invest a chunck of money
  • Bleach something denim
  • Exercise every day
  • Take a weekly piano lesson
  • Bike every Sunday morning
  • Get my uni applications organized
  • Log 30 volunteer hours
  •  Run a 5k race
  • Do yoga once a week
  • Get my license 
  • Go vegan for a week
  • Organize a picnic in the park
  • Host a pool party
  • Have a garage sale 
  • Write 5 monologues
  • Watch every movie on my "to watch" list
  • Tie dye a tshirt
  • Develop a budgeting system
  • Write a book of recipes
  • Get my splits
Now go for it!

Let Me Introduce Myself (Again)

Hey guys,

It's me again. I took a break for a while, kind of just removed myself from the internet for a much needed break. But I'm back and I feel refreshed and revamped. So, please allow me to reintroduce myself.

Hi, I'm Julia. I am by no means an expert on any topic, but I do however have a lot knowledge that I can impart. I am a performer, a thrift-shopper, a fitness lover and a dreamer. Read my blog. Take what you need and leave the rest.

Think on this:
"Everything that exists now was once imagined"

What do you imagine?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Ask Him Yourself

What baffles me is that people will sit there and complain about how there are no people in their lives to date, yet they just sit around waiting for people to come to them.

This week, I challenge you to talk to that guy you'd love to go for coffee with and ask him!

Just see what happens. What's the worst possible outcome? He says no and you move on. Go for it! You'll feel empowered!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Organize Your Life

Homework, chores, extra-curriculars, hanging out with friends and just overall busyness are My lifeall acceptable reasons to let your organization slip. But there comes a time to re-organize yourself. So..

This week, I challenge you to re-organize your life!

My life has been sooooo busy recently and I just feel so out of control on so many things. Here is a list of things to do to gain that control and re-organize yourself!
  • clean out your purse
  • declutter your locker
  • throw out those old recipets in your wallet
  • clean out your fridge
  • make a new shopping list
  • plan your meals for the week
  • do and put away your laundry
  • clean your bathroom
Happy re-organization!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Understanding Your Beauty: Part Two

As a society, we tend to recognize our personal "flaws" and "imperfections", but see them as negatives...

In my opinion, the only way you can truly understand your beauty is to embrace your flaws and rock them!

These are my imperfections:
  • Wide hips
  • Small bust
  • Large, developed glutes and quads (butt and legs)
  • Round cheeks
  • Uneven nose
But the thing is, I don't see these imperfections as a bad thing.

My hips are beautiful and although it's hard to find jeans that fit properly, I can rock high-waisted clothes like no one's business.

My small bust line doesn't bother me because as a dancer/stage actor it makes jumping and running easier!

My legs are large because I need them to be. They are the source of a lot of power and make the foundation in a lot of gorgeous lifts when I'm dancing. My legs are so strong that I can go a full 24 hours in heels and not feel a thing.

My round cheeks are something that make me approachable. Even though I'd love to have beautiful cheek bones like the girls in the magazines, my cheeks are inviting and warm.

My nose is probably the one thing that I will stare at in pictures of myself because it is uneven. 

But then I look at pictures of Sutton Foster, one of my musical theatre idols and see that her nose is crooked too
Yet, I still think she's amazing.

It really comes down to this: 

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so behold yourself.

And after all, 

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." 
- Marilyn Monroe 

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Go "Naked"

It is so easy to get stuck in the routine.. wake up, brush teeth, get dressed, do hair, put on makeup, and go... If we skip a step, we feel like we're missing something, but what we really tend to forget is the reason we're doing it all in the first place.

I'm going to encourage you to do some thinking.

Why do you wear makeup? 

Is it to impress someone? Is it because you don't like the way you look? 
Do you feel as if you have to wear it to maintain some kind of status?

Whatever your reason, this week I challenge you to go "naked" and
wear no makeup to school one day this week.

I know, it's a scary thought... But believe me, you can do it.

If that is too difficult, try wearing just foundation and mascara. I promise, it won't kill you to skip the lipstick and eyeliner for one day. Try this just to prove to yourself that you can do it. You'll feel great afterward, knowing that you did.

Friday, April 19, 2013

My Adventure Fund

Are you a dreamer? Cause I sure am. If you sat me down with a piece of paper and said write down all the things you want to do in your lifetime, my paper would be COVERED! But unfortunately in this world, awesome sometimes equals expen$ive!!

That's why I have started my own personal ADVENTURE FUND!!

An adventure fund is some form of container that holds saved pennies, loose change, tips from work, babysitting cash and any other random funds found. Money placed in here should be saved and put toward doing something radical, exciting or adventurous. It is only effective if you commit to it.

How to start one:
All you need is a jar, or a box, or a container of any kind! Then you simply, start collecting money until you decide to spend it on an awesome experience or an object/tool that will help you have awesome experiences.

Things to save up for:

  • Coachella or a music festival
  • Concert or play tickets
  • Plane tickets
  • Gas for a road trip
  • Art supplies
  • A new guitar
  • Recording studio time
  • NHL tickets

I've got close to $200 saved up for my adventure so far. Happy saving!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My Birthday Hopes

Tonight is the eve of my birthday and I'm pondering a lot of things. I have so many things on the go right now and things that I would like to achieve.

My Re-Vamped Goals for a New Year:

  1. Cook more
  2. Reach out to the people that truly matter
  3. Feed my soul with creativity
  4. Read for fun before bed
  5. Put down the digi toys (phone, ipod, tv, etc) at 10:30
  6. Meditate at least once a week to refocus
  7. Wear makeup once a week

My hope for my day tomorrow is that I keep a positive outlook, as it will more than likely be a stressful day for me. I need to stay patient and accept that I am the only thing I have full control of.

Here's to a new year! 

Understanding Your Beauty: Part One

We all could use a shift in perspective.... Use this video and reflect on yourself.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Get Ahead

You know that due date that’s just around the corner?
 It’ll sneak up on you, like it always does. 

You know the feeling of panic you get when you procrastinate and end up doing it the night before?

You'll feel it.     

This week, I challenge you to get ahead on an assignment.

For this challenge, all you have to do is complete an assignment a few days before its actually due. That means starting it early, getting yourself organized, and putting the time in.

Benefits of Getting Ahead:
  • you will feel less stressed
  • your work will be better
  • you will have time to ask your teacher questions
  • you will have a fully developed thought process
  • you will in turn have more time later for other things

I realize that this is easier said than done, but that is why it is a challenge! I have an assignment due on the 24th that I am going to challenge myself to finish by the 20th. So if I can do it, you can too!

Curb The Pizza Craving

Gooey cheese, fresh toppings, warm sauce, crisp crust... Sounds good, right? Now think of all that grease... Clogging your pores (and arteries!), putting you up a jean size.. Is it worth it? Not really. That's why I came up with this healthy pizza recipe!

What you will need:
•English muffins (extra crispy ones make crispy crust, but whole wheat are better for you)
•pasta sauce
•your favorite (low fat if desired) shredded cheese
•whatever topping you'd like

Preheat the oven to 350*F.
Separate English muffin into two halves.
Cover with pasta sauce as you would a pizza crust and cover with cheese.
Add desired toppings.
Place on a cookie sheet and bake for approximately 12 minutes or until cheese is melted and slightly golden.

Enjoy, guilt free!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Little Dose of Positivity

After having a really crappy day, I came across this remarkable little girl and just had to share it with you. We could all use a little more positivity in our lives, don't you think?

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Challenge Of The Week: Talk To Strangers

As kids, our parents always told us to not talk to strangers. Now, although this is a good rule to follow for safety as a child, it has crippled our ability to meet new people in our formative years.

This week, I challenge you to talk to strangers.

I don't mean walk up to a random person on the street and ask them their grandmother's name.. I mean make small talk with the people around you, because you never know what can come of it.

Start small. Smile at someone you kind of know at school when you pass them in the hall. Say good morning to the neighbor who's name you can never remember on your walk home.

When you're comfortable with that, ask the girl beside you in the gym locker room about the logo on her shirt, or ask your barista what they would recommend.

What inspired me to make this challenge was an old Japanese lady I met a few days ago on my way to the gym. We were both walking down a sidewalk full of puddles. She didn't speak very good English and she was trying not to get her runners wet. I offered to go first and test the waters for her, as my shoes were sacrificial for the walk. Now, whenever I see her at the gym or around the neighborhood, she says hello and smiles at me and it's awesome!

Doing these things will help you feel more comfortable in social situations and make awkward moments awesome, just like with my little old lady

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Drink This, Not That: Hot Chocolate Wannabe

I love hot chocolate just as much as the next girl, but for me, chocolate of any kind is a slippery slope!
I discovered a new recipe - I would even go as far as calling it a remedy - for a hot chocolate substitute!

-1 cup unsweetened almond milk (natural or chocolate flavor - I prefer just the plain almond milk)
-Cinnamon to taste
-Splenda for sweetening (I used one)

-Heat almond milk in a microwave safe container for 1 minute 30 seconds
-Pour into cup
-Add Splenda and cinnamon to taste

This has become part of my bed time routine. Now, when I want to start settling down, I'll have a cup of hot almond milk! Try it!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Can't Sleep? Do This!

I don't know about you, but counting sheep has never worked for me... Especially not when my thoughts keep me up at night.

Here are a few things you can do instead of toss and turn both mentally and physically:

• make a list of thoughts on your mind
• read a book on your shelf that you've always wanted to
• plan your outfit for the next day
• make a list of everything you want to accomplish the next day
• hold a plank for 2 minutes
• listen to instrumental music
• do 30 push-ups
• listen to rain sounds on songza

These will all either bore, exhaust or distract you and help you fall asleep peacefully. Happy zzz catching!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Staying On Track While On The Road

Road trips, family vacations, weekend tournaments.. They all take you out of your routine which makes it hard to keep momentum.

Here are a few tips to help you stay on track while away from home:

Ask a million questions at restaurants to find healthy option
-ask for egg whites
-find out if shrimp can come without breading
-ask if you can get all veggies instead of fried rice with your stir fry
-get your dressing on the side

Drink water with every meal
-being in a strange environment will dehydrate you faster, so do this to get ahead

Make substitutions when possible
-get the burger without a bun
-ask for veggies and dip
-ask for a side salad instead of fries

Keep photos and reminders handy
-make your phone and iPod backgrounds pictures of the body you're working for or an inspirational saying
-try to room with someone who shares your desire to stay on track

Bring workout gear
-almost every hotel has a gym you can use
-there are great at home workouts you can do in your hotel room
-go for a walk outside and see the city

Take the stairs instead of the elevator
-the more steps you take, the most calories you burn

Don't skip breakfast
-you're already out of your routine, so your blood sugar will drop sooner

Keep small healthy snacks around
-bring protein bars with you for the times you can't stop for food
-buy fruit from the grocery store thee for in the room
-grab an extra snack at the hotel breakfast bar for later

The more you plan ahead, the better equipped you'll be!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Drink This, Not That: Homemade Iced Tea

Bottled iced teas like Arizona, Brisk, and Nestea are full of sugar and preservatives and don't give any real nutritional benefit.

My remedy? Homemade iced tea!

1. Pick your favorite fruity tea - blueberry is my fave!
2. Steep the desired quantity is a glass container (boiled water will burn through plastic)
3. Leave to steep and cool
4. When ready, pour desired amount, add ice cubes and sweeten as desired (I like to use Splenda, rather than sugar).
5. Enjoy!

Challenge Of The Week: Cut The Crap

We all know how bad junk food is for us. But we also all know how good it tastes.. With that in mind I have a new challenge for you: cut the crap!

This challenge consists of one thing. All you have to do is cut out junk food. This is both the hardest and the easiest thing to do regarding food. It simply comes down to choices.

Here are some steps toward eliminating junk food from your diet:

• use Splenda or sugar substitute
• say no to small candies when someone offers them casually
• read the nutrition facts on the wrappers of your food
• cook your meals at home and plan ahead
• everything in moderation
• challenge yourself to buy only fresh groceries
•drink diet pop instead of regular
•drink water with every meal

The more you say "no" to the junk, the easier it will get. So keep saying no until you no longer actually want it!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Me and My Style

I was thinking today and said to myself, "why would you read a blog from a person who's wardrobe you know nothing about?!"

Here are some visual aids to help show you what I like:

Denim jackets with hoodies underneath             High-waisted bathing suit bottoms and strapless tops


Thrift store bought men's plaid shirts                                   Hippie maxi skirts


Band tees and pop culture graphic tees



Classic Converse

Combat boots with wool socks

I tried explaining my clothing and style to my mother today...

She responded with,
"Oh, so it's like a hobo on a train at midnight in the 70's?!"

Thanks, mom..

DIY: Scrabble Tile Magnets

I've had this DIY project in the back of my mind for SO long! Since my father is a devoted scrabble lover, he would not let me use our tiles...and a brand new game is expensive! So I had to wait until I found one at a thrift store! Only cost me $3! Here's how to make Scrabble Tile Magnets!

You Will Need:
  • an old scrabble game
  • self adhesive magnets or magnet tape
  • possibly scissors (if tape is used)

1. Cut the magnet to fit on the back of the tile and place on tile       
2. Repeat step one with every tile      
3.Spell all over your kitchen!      

Total cost: under $5

Get creative!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Adventures in Julia-land: The Fight To See The Floor

You know how crazy life can get, right? So you don't blame me for letting my room go for a bit, right? And you appreciate the concept of organized clutter, right? 

GOOD! Then we're on the same page!

I, now with ample free time, am going to attempt to clean my bedroom. Don't worry, I'll wear protective eye wear just in case..

But in all seriousness, here is what it looks like now:

My Cleaning To-Do List:
  • dust the surfaces and floor
  • reorganize closet and drawers
  • file loose papers
  • sort through jewelry
  • find a new home for my laptop, Estelle (other than the floor)
  • put away random articles of clothing
  • breakout my summer wear and file away my winter hats and mittens
Wish me luck... If you don't hear from me by the end of the week, you'll know I got swallowed by the dust bunnies!

Spring Break Challenge

I have been waiting for this week since the new semester started... Spring break is finally here! 
A whole week off... that is one of the most liberating things that a girl like me could be handed right now...but also one of the scariest! 
They say "an idle mind in the devil's playground", and I firmly agree! So, I have a challenge...

Make a "Spring Break To-Do List"!

All you have to do is make a list of ten things you want to accomplish this week. So get out a piece of paper and a pen and start writing. Don't think too hard, just make them fun and attainable! Stuck? Here's mine!

Here are some more ideas:
  • buy a new cd and listen to it front to back
  • volunteer at a local animal shelter or senior's home
  • take a yoga class
  • learn how to do a new hair style
  • make someone breakfast
  • take an old friend for coffee
  • call a distant relative
  • rediscover your favorite childhood movie
Good luck, friends! Happy week off !

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hair Repair Home Remedy

Does your hair feel dry and brittle or damaged? This at home hair mask will fix that in just 15 minutes!

It sounds weird, I know, but TRUST ME! It works!

1 ripe avocado
2 eggs
4 tbsp water
2 tbsp olive oil

Put all ingredients together in a a bowl and take it to the bathroom. Get ready to go in the shower. Mix all ingredients together with hands until avocado is mashed. Apply hair and leave on for ten minutes. Rinse in shower. Shampoo and condition.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

10 Benefits of Thrift Store Shopping

There are so many negative connotations associated with shopping at thrift stores. Yes, someone did wear it before you. Yes, you don't know where it's been. But at the same time, YES, you have a washing machine!

Here are my 10 Benefits of Thrist Store Shopping
  1. No one will have the exact same thing as you
  2. You'll save money
  3. Recycling clothes is great for the environment
  4. You'll be doing a good deed (most thrift shops donate some of their profits to charity)
  5. You'll feel accomplished once you find a treasure in all the junk
  6. You can make a game out of it (like a scavenger hunt or the person with the best deal wins)
  7. You'll buy more for less
  8. You get the same thrill as you'd get at the mall without the hit to your wallet
  9. You can take risks (you won't regret getting the hot pink blazer for $3.. you would for $30!)
  10. You can sing this: 

Once you can get over that initial fear and embrace these benefits, your closet and your wallet will thank you!

The Best Thing To Do When Feeling Hopeless

It's so easy to get caught in a slump. Whether its sadness, or full on depression, we all feel it. In my opinion, speaking from first hand experience, the best thing to do is to write a bucket list.

But Julia, what it a bucket list?! I'm glad you asked!

A bucket list is a like a to do list of things you want to do, see, achieve, or experience before you "kick the bucket" (die). There are no wrong answers, and no limitations.

But Julia, why would this help me?! I'm glad you asked!

Making this list will show you how much you have to live for. It can even open your eyes to the possibilities your life has to offer. It will help you to redefine your goals and display what your real priorities are.

Here are some ideas:

Now go, start your own!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

How to Wash Makeup Brushes

It's crazy how much bacteria can sneak onto your face through your makeup brushes! Washing them at least every two weeks can save your skin from a lot of unneeded germs. Here's how! 

These are not clean... Imagine the bacteria!

What you will need:
-all of your dirty makeup brushes
-2 bowls
-paper towels
-a sink
AND if you want to clean your tweezers..
-rubbing alcohol
-cotton pads

Step One:
Fill the two bowls with shampoo and conditioner respectively. You will only about enough to fill your palm. Keep in mind that you can always add more, but can't put it back into the bottle.

Step Two:
Wet the brushes and place them, hair down, into the bowl of shampoo. 

Step Three:
One by one, wash the brushes in the palm of your hand and run under the water. To save water, shampoo them all before rinsing and rinse them all at once. When they are rinsed, place in the bowl with conditioner.

Do this to save water!!!

Step Four:
Repeat step three with conditioner. 

Step Five:
Once they are all rinsed, set them on a piece of paper towel to dry.

To clean you tweezers..

Step One:
Pour some rubbing alcohol on a cotton pad.

Step Two:
Wipe off all sides of the tweezers, focusing on the ends that come into contact with skin and hair.

Step Three:
Rinse them under the tap and set aside to dry. 

 And voila! Enjoy your clean tools!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Allow Me To Introduce Myself...

Hey there! I'm Julia.. Nice to meet you!
If you, by some chance found my blog, you were either:
a) really bored, or..
b) clicking randomly
But regardless of how you got here, you got here! So you might as well stay!
I, by no means, am any sort of expert about anything I post here. I'm simply a girl starting a new chapter in her life wanting to impart some tips I wish I had before discovering them myself!
Take a gander, give some feedback, and share with your friends! Thanks for the visit (even if it was unintentional!) :)